
Jade Sun School Syllabus

The Jade Sun School syllabus trains the human “I” in the art and science of becoming fully human.  It is designed to awaken the inner wisdom of the human heart in a way that true individuality is born.  True individuality allows us to experience complete independent sovereignty in our being and at the same time one hearted connectedness with all of life.

The syllabus trainings are presented as specific modules that facilitate a sequential unfoldment of realisations within the individual.  This results in the person owning in an intimate way the truths that are revealed.  Over the course of the trainings inner innate soul qualities are awakened. These qualities are gratitude, humility, compassion and forgiveness.  They encapsulate the very fabric of our being and are the key powers that initiate the creative and evolutionary process.  Therefore, the conscious engagement of these powers is necessary for the further evolution of humanity.

What the individual can expect is the development within himself/herself of true patience, discipline and above all an informed sincerity of heart.  The methods taught help to safely unfold a personal relationship with these powers cutting a clear and steady path to love and freedom.

Syllabus Modules

Below is a synopsis of the phases of awaking that the syllabus brings the individual through, with relevant modules identified for each phase.

In Phase 1 of the syllabus we learn to centre in the essential aspects of our being.  From here we open to our experience of our true nature. After experiencing our true nature we can then begin to understand the function of relationship in the evolutionary process.  This in turn deepens our acceptance of the need to open to our true nature.  This deeper opening to our true nature allows us to explore and penetrate into the experience of that which became us, that is spirit, the origin of the soul.  Phase 1 includes modules 1, 2 and 3.

The Phase 2 deepens our training and our ability to accept and incarnate the truth we have explored in the first phase.  Particularly, it teaches energetic medicines to help us cope with the transformative change that happens to the key aspects of our being. These changes are a consequence of us consciously surrendering to who we truly are. At the end of this phase we are ready to explore why love became the human soul and the choice that confronts every human being who wishes to surrender to love’s intent.  This is the midpoint of the Jade Sun School syllabus and involves exploring the awakening of the sacred heart power of the human being.  This phase of the syllabus includes modules 4, 5 and 6.

Module 7 is the pivotal teaching of the Jade Sun School syllabus.  It opens the individual to awaking from inside out.  It is a personal remembering of the choice that we need to make to evolve towards love and freedom.  The sacred truth that the Jade Sun School serves, [namely, that that which created itself as the human soul now wants to awaken in the human heart  as the human being] is now revealed through the individual’s own heart knowing.

The understanding of the choice that confronts the human soul to live from the sacred heart with unbending intent prepares it to explore the depth of the meaning and consequence that comes with that choice.  This is Phase 3 of the syllabus.  Phase 3 opens us to an even deeper and a more intimate knowing of the purpose of suffering and evil in the evolutionary process. Phase 3 of the syllabus includes modules 8 and 9.

In Phase 4 of the syllabus the soul prepares to enter into a full and embodied commitment to the purpose of being human.  Particularly the human being’s commitment to the sacrificing of its personal creative energy to love’s purpose is engaged.  Here the individual consciously offers its being to its own knowing of the truth entering into a personal relationship with what we can call the Michael School.  Phase 4 of the syllabus includes modules 10, 11, 12 and 13.

The last phase of the syllabus and the concluding module bring all of the previous teachings full circle leaving the individual with all of the knowing and truth that it needs to evolve and become fully human.  It now only remains for each of us to choose love and freedom.

To conclude, the above approach was established over a 20 years period of researching the spiritual scientific movement of the human “I” in its efforts to access the truth of its own being and the further revelation to itself, through itself, of the nature of its relationship to life and the evolutionary process.

The modules are:

Phase 1

  • Module 1: Connecting with your Unconditional Self
  • Module 2: The Science of Relationship
  • Module 3Opening to the Origin of the Spirit-Self: Embracing the Rainbow Teachings

Phase 2

Phase 3

  • Module 7: Awakening the Sacred Heart
  • Module 8: Destiny and Karma: The Evolutionary Path of the Human Being
  • Module 9: The Reality of Evil: Its Purpose and Function in the Evolution of the Human Soul

Phase 4

  • Module 10: Divine Mother Qi Gong Part 1
  • Module 11: Self-Initiation into the “Michael School”: Commitment to the Path
  • Module 12: Transformation of Relationship with Sexual Creative Energy
  • Module 13: Divine Mother Qi Gong Part 2
  • Module 14: The Feathered Serpent Teaching: Preparation for Resurrection

Please click on a Module above for more information.

Auxiliary Courses

Auxiliary courses are offered on related topics, for example, The Jesus Mysteries. Upcoming courses will be posted on our Course Schedule page.

Lastly, after the completion of the eighth module, the student will qualify to have the option of training and certifying in the Solar Sound Healing System. This is an intensive ten-day training. Please see Solar Sound Healing for more details.