The Reality of Evil

Its Purpose and Function in the Evolution of the Human Soul

Jade Sun School Syllabus Module 9

In order to serve love’s purpose the human “I” must now,  in Module 9 of The Jade Sun School Syllabus, ‘The Reality of Evil’, open in a spiritual scientific and protected way to its relationship with the phenomena of evil. This is a necessary initiation if the human soul is to reclaim authority over all of its being in service to love. We cannot wash our hands of this necessity. Understanding the evolutionary purpose of evil is a prerequisite to being able to offer our creative being to love.

Upcoming dates will be posted on our Course Schedule page.

See details of the previous Module, Module 8, ‘Destiny and Karma’, here.
See details of the next Module,  Module 10, ‘Divine Mother Qi Gong Part 1, here.

The Jade Sun School